Whilst our experienced dentists can repair teeth, a regular dental check-up is the best way to prevent the need for invasive treatment – prevention is, after all, better than cure.
It is therefore important to attend regular dental examinations so we can identify and treat developing conditions early on and keep an eye on your general oral health.
During routine check-ups we will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth and carry out oral cancer screening as standard.
We recognise that it is extremely important to detect conditions and administer treatment early and advise that you attend a routine check-up every 3-6 months. This enables us to catch conditions early and treat them before you develop further symptoms. It will also save you suffering with tooth pain and discomfort and save you paying for complex treatment in the future.
Our dentists will also take the time to understand your lifestyle, past treatments and procedures, and are able to talk through any concerns.
We understand that a trip to the dentist can cause apprehension, so building a relationship of trust between our dentists and you can help calm nerves and put anxieties to rest.